The Geek Test
Ik heb hem nog een keer gedaan, want ik ben inmiddels weer wat boeken/films/vakken verder... en oei...
37.86982% - Major Geek
(vergelijking: vorige keer (ruim twee jaar geleden: 20.9073% - Geek)
Ik ben echt erg :|
The Animal Quiz
You're a Stuffed Animal!
Everybody loves you, though most of them are truly ashamed to admit
it. You love children most of all, though you're not really all that expressive of
your emotions. You're not terribly active, and end up spending altogether too much
time in bed, although most people secretly suspect that you really love to take
trips and travel around. A kid at heart, you'd be a lot better off if no one ever
grew up. You are most annoying when stuffed into the back of a car.
Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Tot zover het idee dat ik cute en cuddly wel kon vergeten :P
Which train/railroad are you?
Ik ga duidelijk te veel met Huubje om:
You're the Shanghai Transrapid!
Obsessed with magnets and the general study of physics,
people have often accused you of being a little nerdy. This time it's paid
big dividends, however, as you've proven that something others only
speculated about can be done. Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel,
you've come up with something creative and yet simple and practical. Taking
a brief break from science, you are sometimes known to meditate as well,
achieving slight levitation when you really focus.
Take the Trains and Railroads Quiz
at RMI Miniature Railroads.
Vroeger heette het Emode, maar dat is al weer een tijdje terug (al werkt www.emode.com nog steeds! :) ). Je kan er hele leuke testjes vinden en als je je registreert bewaren ze alle testresultaten voor je. Ik sta geregistreerd onder de naam SuperPoekie :D mocht je zin hebben om me 'uit te nodigen' om een test te doen om te vergelijken :P
Je krijgt geen spam van derden als je je registreert, wel als je een test gedaan hebt per email nogmaals je resultaten en een aanbieding om je test report te kopen. Dat kan je dus meteen weggooien want ze bewaren al je testjes!
The Why are you HOT? quiz :)
You are the dreamy, stunning girl. You are
constantly lost in a world of dreams and stars.
You constantly wander to the balcony at
night-you have the most beautibul eyes, anyone
can get lost in them. You are like a princess
and like to dress in flowing skirts. Someday
the perfect gye will come!!! Your stunning
image at
Why you are hot(With 10 detailed results and STUNNING anime pictures)(Very cool background+music video!!!!!!!!!!!)
brought to you by Quizilla